Activisto - Get Organized to C

by Konvict Games



The ACTIVISTO app was born as a necessity at the times. Fuzzy timesof an uncertain future that invit...

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The ACTIVISTO app was born as a necessity at the times. Fuzzy timesof an uncertain future that invite reaction to situations that many of us are notcapable of understanding and to which we are forced to react.It is a time where, although many times we try to evade, social injusticeit appears when we least expect it. Cases of unjustified evictions without a singleiota of sanity, of staff cuts when there are clear benefits, of examples ofsenseless mistreatment in the XXI century or immigration crisis in which it seems that theworld has gone mad.For people who cannot settle and see how the society around themfalls apart, while a few monopolize what should be distributed in amore equitable and consistent, ACTIVISTO appears. A meeting center thoughtfor restless and fighting minds.ACTIVISTO users may be aware of all protest activitiesthat take place in your city and in the rest of the country. They can consult the board ofAds where other users, or organized communities made up of a largenumber of them, make known what causes must be fought together with the date, time andplace, where the act will take place.These actions will be described and grouped by categories to know everythingmoment what they are about and what is the problem that the attendeesface. Likewise, the posters of the call may be uploaded for a betteridentification in the eyes of the user.As a special support to the most disadvantaged causes and the most flagrant injustices,there will be actions that will be highlighted in a special way. They will head the list ofcalls of the week with the aim of achieving greater user support.This special character can be given by situations that really areunsustainable, or due to the urgency that emerges from them. In these casesso specific, an appeal may be made in the form of a notification that theUsers will receive on their mobiles to be part of the action as soon as possible.Among other features, each user can create an agenda in whichwrite down the activities you want to attend. In the same way, you can check if yourcircle of contacts also plans to participate in them, or consult which ones alreadyhave confirmed their attendance. Everything will be designed to facilitate that the greatestnumber of ACTIVISTS can meet and organize the most important eventsagile, fast and easy.Another of the functions developed in ACTIVISTO consists of being able to share yourreal-time location for a specified period. In this way yourcompanions will be able to easily spot you in large crowds. A verysimple to be able to establish a meeting point before, during or after theactivity and not lose your group members.These are messy times where organization and quick response are key to notlose fundamental rights. We cannot allow ourselves to have less and lessrecognition of freedom and more obligations while we see that not everyonecomplies with what she preaches. More people with initiative and wanting to raise their voices are neededto make a just society guide our lives. Activists and aplace to gather them all. ACTIVIST is required.